Sense Grown

Sense Grown

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Sense cannabis brand. San Francisco's award winning legacy grown cannabis. Enhance your experiences by tapping into your senses.


SENSE is redefining the premium cannabis category. We established a ‘system’ that taps into our own senses as farmers first and produces a better product using 100% renewable energy. We listen to the rhythms of the earth, smell and see the changes in our environment, touch the soil and the plants while also understanding the science, in order to tap into the senses of the cannabis plant. That’s where the magic lives.


Steve Griffith Founder/CEO says “We are as small batch as it gets. We’ve got about 100 lights. We’re just under a 2,000-square-foot canopy. We are in the garden every day… we’re grinders. As far as comparing us to the hype machine kind of companies, we’re the antithesis of that.”

-Hightimes 'Humility Over Hype' Article


Discover Sense Cannabis: San Francisco’s Finest

Sense is a celebrated boutique cannabis brand based in San Francisco, known for its award-winning, legacy-grown cannabis. By tapping into their own senses, Sense redefines the premium cannabis category with a unique and sustainable approach. Using 100% renewable energy, they cultivate cannabis that enhances your experiences in every way.


The Sense Method

At Sense, cultivation is an art form harmonized with the rhythms of the earth. They meticulously observe environmental changes, touch the soil and plants daily, and blend scientific knowledge to nurture each cannabis plant. This sensory-led method is where the magic of Sense cannabis truly comes to life.


Phenohunting Process:


Sense’s phenohunting method involves cannabis strains based on unique flavor profiles, potency, and effects.

Each seed is grown to a mother plant, cloned, and analyzed to identify the best strains. This rigorous process ensures only the finest strains make it to market.

Commitment to Quality

Cultivation Manager Rob King highlights the hands-on approach and attention to detail at Sense’s grow facility. As a small-batch, non-corporate operation, Sense focuses on producing high-quality flower with minimal marketing. Their strains have won awards at cannabis competitions for their exceptional bag appeal, aroma, taste, and high THC content.


Unique Growing Style:


Sense uses a hand blended soil and a proprietary nutrient blend to enhance flavors and aromas.

Their commitment to sustainability is evident in their use of renewable energy through San Francisco’s CleanPowerSF program.

Award-Winning Strains

Sense cultivates popular strains like GMO, Sour Diesel, Gastro Pop and Pink Guava. Despite their success, the team remains humble, emphasizing quality over hype. Their dedication to excellence ensures that each batch of cannabis offers an unparalleled sensory experience.


Experience the best of San Francisco’s cannabis with Sense, where every flower is a testament to their legacy, innovation, and passion for the plant.