If you’re searching for a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals, CBD is a great place to start.

CBD has been found to reduce nerve pain, muscle tension, and inflammation.There is also strong evidence suggesting benefits of CBD for managing nausea and anxiety disorders.

According to this W.H.O study, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential. In fact, CBD administration is actually associated with reduced opioids use. 

If you’re searching for a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals, CBD is a great place to start.


What Problem are you Trying to Solve with CBD?

First things first: define your goal from using CBD. Do you want to reduce anxiety? Maybe you’re suffering from night terrors. Maybe you can barely get out of bed in the morning because of back pain.

CBD can help with all of those things. You just need to know how to use it in an effective manner.

TIP // Try journaling, or keeping a calendar of your feelings and symptoms day-to-day so you can track your progress.


What’s the Best way to Take CBD? 

Once you have your goal and a way to track it, then you can choose the best method for you. When it comes to CBD, there are 3 different ways to consume it.


Oral- edibles, tinctures, capsules, powders

Taking CBD orally is the best solution for long-term usage. However, if you’re looking for immediate relief, this isn’t the best option for you. This method takes the longest for the CBD to be absorbed into the bloodstream, but it has the longest effect out of any other ingestion method.

Recommended for people combatting:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Muscle tension
  • Nerve pain 

TIP // Try putting a couple drops of CBD tincture in your coffee in the morning. Or try one of these creative do-it-yourself CBD remedies



Topicals- creams, sprays

CBD Topicals do not directly enter your bloodstream, leaving for a more mellow experience. Your skin absorbs the CBD which eventually reaches inflammatory cells, and pain-perceiving nerves.

Recommended for people combatting:

  • Muscle tension
  • Nerve pain
  • Sexual arousal



Inhalation- vape pen, joint, dabs, bongs

Inhalation using a smoking apparatus is the best way to consume CBD for immediate relief. Just remember that the effects aren’t as long lasting as if you were to ingest it.

Recommended for people combatting:

  • Insomnia or sleep related disorders
  • Nausea
  • Menstral pain



Always Read the Label 

Make sure to read the label of the CBD product first. This is important to determine your effective daily dose. 

You also want to know the CBD to THC ratio of the product. CBD is not psychoactive, like THC, so unless you are familiar with the effects of consuming THC, we recommend sticking to CBD infused products only.

Please keep in mind that there is no definitive “best practice” for consuming CBD as every body is different. There has also not been enough thorough research conducted to establish set guidelines for health goals.

CBD may interfere with prescription drugs so we recommend consulting with your doctor before taking CBD if you are taking prescription drugs.